
CorStruth would not be possible without the huge amount of work that put HyLogging and the NVCL programs together. Jon Huntington has been our leader and inspiration. Lew Whitbourn and his (ever decreasing) team developed and continues to maintain the hardware as part of the CSIRO-Corescan commercialization agreement. Peter Mason developed and maintains the TSG software. Mark Berman is responsible for the TSA software and Martin Schodlok compiled much the library of TIR spectra. With their teams, David Tilley, Suraj Gopalakrishnan, Lena Hancock, Alan Mauger, David Green and Belinda Smith in the state geological surveys are doing the measurements and distributing data.  In CSIRO Carsten Laukamp and Ian Lau are working on upgrading the spectral libraries and doing overall coordination while Peter Warren built and maintains the NVCL Component of the AuScope portal. The NVCL program has been funded by AuScope Pty Ltd, on behalf of the federal government’s National Collaborative Infrastructure Scheme, CSIRO and the Geological Surveys.